Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Progress So Far

As you can see I just started the little finger. I have to admit the pattern is very well written, but I like said earlier I suggest you read through it first cos you need to be able to work a couple of areas at a time. I think the hardest part so far has been the braided cast on, but I have learned a new cast on, and I have learned to do float weaving and have the flourechette left to learn soon. I think this looks very Christmassy and my mom loves them even though she does not know they are really for her.
Tracy loving the glove and safe trip.
I cant wait til the rest of you get to posting and I am so physched that we have 50 people signed up so far. I did not have time to work on my gloves at work today, I actually had to work. Someone asked me what my knitting was, they saw my bag and I told them I was knitting painted ladies, they looked at me strange, but I love that name, makes them sound kind of decadent which they are.
Off to work on my finger, and watch Idol. Please send Sanjaya home and I am a total Melinda/Jordin fan.


rebecca said...


I LOVE your color combination! Your mom will be thrilled, I'm sure.

Waiting anxiously for my pattern...

Becky in GA

Cathy said...

Abby the glove looks GREAT!!!
i am sure your mom will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them ..
glad you are loving the experience and learning KEWL new stuff as well
and that you are sharing YOUR fun with us
can't wait till i get the yarn AND pattern .. wondering IF i can knit 2 gloves on 2 circs

A. M. Warnke said...


That is close to how I make all my socks and what I am planning on doing on the gloves. All my small needles even my 000 are a 40" circular, so I magic loop everything. Just make sure you have 4 seperate balls you are working from or you will be forever twisting the yarn around. LOL. You do not want to know how I know that!